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Rabu, 05 April 2017

Harpers Illustrated Biochemistry 30th Edition eBook

Harpers Illustrated Biochemistry 30th Edition eBook
Beli buku ini, hanya Rp.100.000,-
Penulis: Victor Rodwell
Penerbit: McGraw-Hill
Tahun terbit: 2015
Jumlah halaman: 832
Harga di pasaran: 61.40 USD

Deskripsi Buku Ini:

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All fifty-eight chapters emphasize the medical relevance of biochemistry *Full-color presentation includes more than 600 illustrations *Each chapter includes a section on BiomedicalImportance and a summary of the topics covered *Review questions follow each of the eleven sections *Case studies in every chapter emphasize the clinical relevance to biochemistry *NEW coverage of toxic naturally-occurring amino acids; extraterrestrial biomolecules; computer-aided drug design; the role of complement cascade in bacterial and viral infection; secreted mediators of cell-cell signaling between leukocytes; the role of mast cells, basophils, andeosinophils; and the hazard of antioxidants that down-regulate radical signaling for apoptosis and increase risk of cancer

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