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Kamis, 06 April 2017

Jawetz Melnick & Adelbergs Medical Microbiology, 27th Edition eBook

eBook Kedokteran Jawetz Melnick & Adelbergs Medical Microbiology, 27th Edition
Beli buku ini, hanya Rp.100.000,-
Penulis: Karen C. Carroll
Penerbit: McGraw-Hill
Tahun terbit: 2015
ISBN: 978-0071824989
Jumlah halaman: 867
Harga di pasaran: 75.00 USD

Deskripsi Buku Ini:

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The twenty-seventh edition of Jawetz, Melnick & Adelbergs Medical Microbiology delivers a concise, up-to-date overview of the roles microorganisms play in human health and illness. Linking fundamental principles with the diagnosis and treatment of microbial infections, this classic text has been updated throughout to reflect the tremendous expansion of medical knowledge afforded by molecular mechanisms, advances in our understanding of microbial pathogenesis, and the discovery of novel pathogens.

Heres why Jawetz, Melnick & Adelbergs Medical Microbiology is essential for USMLE review:
*650+ USMLE-style review questions
*300+ informative tables and illustrations
*23 case studies to sharpen you differential diagnosis and management skills
*An easy-to-access list of medically important microorganisms
*Coverage that reflects the latest techniques in laboratory and diagnostic technologies
*Full-color images and micrographs
*Chapter-ending summaries
*Chapter concept checks

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